Hi, I'm Emmanuel ubachi

I am your gateway to unleashing the potential of your data. Crafting captivating data visualizations, immersive dashboards, and transformative data platforms.

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What I Do

Empowering Data-Driven Web Solutions!

Uncover Impactful Insights

Utilizing statistical modelling and data mining techniques to uncover trends, patterns and actionable insights from complex data.

Building Intuitive Interfaces

Developing responsive, user-friendly web applications and dashboards that bring data to life for users and stakeholders.

Telling Compelling Stories

Creating interactive data visualizations that intuitively communicate key information and insights to diverse audiences.

Seamless Data Connectivity

Integrating disparate data sources into cloud-based tools and applications for unified analytics and reporting.

Actionable Predictive Modelling

I build, evaluate and implement machine learning models to uncover predictive insights from data.


Expertly crafted with skill and precision to elevate our clients' project!

Trade Flow Dashboard of Copper & Cobalt Production in the DR Congo Project Image

Trade Flow Dashboard of Copper & Cobalt Production in the DR Congo

Designed and developed Power BI dashboards to visualize Copper & Cobalt production in DR Congo by analyzing data with Python. Created models and visuals that provided insights for data-driven decisions on mining complexities.

Power BI

Pacific Food Trade: Data-Driven Insights and Data Visualization Development

Designed and developed on the Pacific Food Trade project to deliver data-driven insights through data visualization and Python analysis. Utilized JavaScript and Next.js for frontend development, incorporating Echarts for compelling visualizations.

Pacific Food Trade Project Image
Interactive Map of Copper & Cobalt Production in the DR Congo Project Image

Interactive Map of Copper & Cobalt Production in the DR Congo

Designed an interactive map of Copper & Cobalt production in DR Congo using visualizations and data from mining registry and field research. Delivered visually compelling insights to industry stakeholders.


Car Hub - Find, Book, or rent a car — quicly and easily!

Developed an online car hub platform for finding, booking, and renting cars with ease. Leveraged React, Next.js, and TypeScript to ensure a seamless and efficient user experience while optimizing for search engine visibility (SEO).

Next JS 13
Car Hub - Find, Book, or Rent a Car Project Image
Hilink Travel App - Putuk Truno Camp Area Project Image

Hilink Travel App - Putuk Truno Camp Area

Developed a travel app for exploring the Putuk Truno Camp Area. Implemented UI/UX enhancements for a user-friendly experience. Utilized React.js and Next.js for seamless navigation.

Tailwind CSS